Beautiful Just Married Sign!
Hire me, Leslie Steffman Portland Connecticut's Justice of the Peace!
After the ceremony and on your way to your way to your reception, my handmade B E A U T I F U L "Just Married" sign. This classic elegance could be on the back of the vehicle, driving you and your sweetheart to your wedding reception.
Contact me for details!
~Leslie Steffman
Leslie@JusticeofthePeaceNotaryPublic.com or (860) 358-0011
Planning a Wedding?
Exciting times are ahead! To kickstart the journey to your dream wedding, please provide a few key details using the form below. Select your preferred reservation date, specify the number of attendees, share your contact email, and note your chosen location. These details will guide us in tailoring our services to make your day truly memorable. Feel free to include any specific requests or questions. We can't wait to help you create a celebration filled with love and joy. Thank you for choosing Leslie Steffman for your special day!